Medical ultrasonic transducer accessories 11LD array
Delivery time: In the fastest possible case, we will ship the goods on the same day after you confirm your demand. If the demand is large or there are special requirements, it will be determined based on the actual situation.
11LD array size:
The 11LD array size is slightly different from the OEM, both ends of the array need to be cut a little to match the OEM shell (We will handle it well and ship it again); However, the array cannot be installed directly and requires welding.

knowledge point:
Medical ultrasound probe is an important medical device and is widely used in ultrasound diagnosis and treatment in clinical medicine. By utilizing the propagation properties of sound waves, it can perform non-invasive, real-time imaging and inspection of human organs, tissues and lesions. Medical ultrasound probes are mainly composed of acoustic wave sensors and corresponding electronic components. Acoustic sensors typically consist of a piece of piezoelectric material, such as piezoelectric ceramics. Piezoelectric ceramics produce mechanical vibrations under the action of an electric field. Through this vibration, sound waves can propagate into the interior of the human body. On one side of the probe, the piezoelectric ceramic is in contact with the human body, and the received reflected sound waves are converted into electrical signals, which are then processed and displayed by electronic components. Medical ultrasound probes often come in different shapes and functions. The most common are linear and convex probes. Linear probes are suitable for imaging superficial organs and tissues and can produce high-resolution images. Convex probes are suitable for imaging deep organs and tissues and can cover a larger area.